Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Some adjectives!!!

Hello!!! Good afternoon!!!

I have here some adjectives for you!! You have to practice at home, ok?


Teacher: silvana

A little bit about grammar!!!

Good afternoon again!!

When do you use This/These and That/Those?

This: near and singular e.g.: This is my blog.
These: near and plural e.g.: These are my blogs.

That: far and singular e.g.: That is my car.

Those: far and plural e.g.: Those are my cars.

Bye bye!!!!

Teacher: Silvana

What´s your favorite color?

Check it out:

What´s your favorite toy?

Good Afternoon!!! How´s everything?

So, I can bet with you that each one of you have a favorite toy! Why don´t you write down here your favorite one? I´ll be wainting!!

See you!!!

Teacher: Silvana

Means of Transportation - What´s your favorite one?

Hi students!!! What´s up?

Do you remember of our class about Means of Transportation? So, I have some of them here for you!!! Tell me what´s your favorite one, ok?

Homework: you have to write down (as a comment in the blog) their names in english.


See you later!!!

Teacher: Silvana

Welcome Students!!!

Hello!!! How are you doing?

I´m so happy for having you here guys!!! This blog will be our mean of learning english, ok?

As I know that you like english a lot, I´ll give you some clues for improving your english, alright?

Check it out:

1 - Dictionary --> http://www.dicionariovisual.net
2 - English on line --> http://www.inglesonline.com.br/
3 - Free English --> http://www.english-test.net/
4 - Just English --> hhttp://www.solinguainglesa.com.br/index2.php

See you on Tuesday!!

Teacher: Silvana